Sunday, January 5, 2014

We are moving!

Well the blog is moving and will be updated regularly over at so we will be there if you want to see what we are up to here.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

That Tree Shelf on Pinterest

A couple weeks ago, I showed my Hubby a pin of a tree shelf and I saw the wheels start turning. He thought it out and thought it out until his plan of action was clear. I am always do impressed with the way he jumps into projects like he has all of the dimensions in his head. So after a purchase of maybe $50 in wood ad brackets we headed back home and just started figuring it out. So I am going to eventually provide you the dimensions of this but for now here is the picture progress. It was quite a pain to get on the wall but Thank God we bribed our friends over with Irish Tacos and Game Night that night so it wasn't too bad. I think now I may need to take it down and possibly paint the wall deep red though. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Chalkboard Paint Tutorial that actually works

So I thought the wine glass paint tutorial on pinterest was so awesome so I gave it a whirl thinking how easy it looked. You just dipped the glass in the paint and set it on parchment paper. I wanted to do these as a wedding gift for good friends of ours. So I bought a quart of chalkboard paint and some glasses. I followed the directions exactly but the paint is so thick that it runs and then gets all gloppy and stupid on the bottom. Definitely not worthy of a wedding gift. Then the paint began to peel like cellophane off a new DVD. Gee! Enjoy these pictures of the Dipping tutorial FAIL!

I was irritated so after some experimentation here is the best way to do this project. Supplies: Newspaper, blue painters tape, black primer, and chalkboard spray paint. Wrap the news paper around the bulb area of the wine glass and use the blue painters tape to create a clean line. Spray on the primer in light smooth even coats and allow to dry thoroughly. Spray on 2 coats of chalkboard paint and allow to dry thoroughly before adding the second coat. You will be impressed with how nicely these come out. If you desire to try your hand at pint glasses a tip would be to try floral tape to create the clean line it's flexible and works really well with different shapes of glasses.

There you have it. I wish you luck and hopefully this helps.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wine Barrel Projects

My husband and I always get a lot of compliments about the wine barrel pieces we have in our house. These pieces were at one time a whole wine barrel but with a little creativity they became our first conversation pieces we added when we first moved in to our house in the spring of 2009.

The first project was the wine barrel coffee table. He cut the wine barrel in half and added some extra screws to keep it sturdy. The piece of beveled glass we purchased at Pier 1 for $30.

Then the next prject was to take 1/2 of the remaining piece and create this shelf.

Then finally the bottom half was painted with Jameson whiskey to fit into our Irish Pub.

We needed some heavy hardware from Lowes to ge the hanging pieces on the wall but they have been up for nearly 3 years with no problems.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pepsi Chicken

Pepsi Chicken is this yummy recipe I learned from one of my favorite people in the world. I have seen things similar to it on Pinterest and so I thought I would share this version. It is so good.
I recommend cubing 1 chicken breast per person. This was for my Hubby and I, so I just used 2 breasts.
Saute the chicken cubes with some fresh ground pepper.

Once it is almost cooked through. Drain the excess liquid.

Squirt in some ketchup until it generously and evenly coats the chicken.

Pour in the Pepsi. I pour in just enough to half cover the chicken. And stir it good.

Simmer uncovered on low for 30 minutes.

Serve over Rice and Veggies. Enjoy.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's only 8pm, DIY Family Tree Wall Collage

So Thursday night, Hubby and I had put our dear little son to bed and were relaxing on the couch with some beers and I was telling him how much I wanted to do a Family Tree wall collage on our entry way wall after seeing this gorgeous picture on Pinterest. He loved the picture so much and says, "Well lets do it, Its only 8pm." So we happened to have some dark brown paint from painting the chair rail in the guest bathroom and we had some Dark Olive paint from when we painted the chair rail in the pub so there wasnt much left to need. We cleared away what we had, grabbed a White China Crayon and Hubby started sketching away on the wall with me behind him directing him which way this branch should go and which way that branch should go.

The China Crayon is great because you can simply wipe it off if you decide you hate it or dont like the shape of the branch or what have you. So the walls in the house are Olympic Paint's Applesauce Cake. Its a color I stole from my decorator savy Mom In Law's kitchen. The main tree color is Olympic Paint's color Fudge in Semi-Gloss. We used craft paint brushes I had bought in the dollar section a while back at Michael's Craft store for the edges and then a 1 inch Purdy Brand paint brush for the mail fill in. And all I can say is have a couple beers and go for it and always remember you are the biggest critic of your own work. 

So there you have it...a tree.

So next we began adding leaves again with the China Crayon.
Then painting on the colors. We had 6 different colors for the leaves. 5 of them were Americana acrylic paints available at Michael's Crafts in the colors (Winter Blue, Marigold, Honey Brown, Celery Green and Sienna.) The other color was a darker green color Valspar Paint's Terragon.

Then just add some different family photos with different size, shapes and colored frames. In addition we also have a key and a birdhouse hanging in the collage. We'll most likely add more items and photos as we grow.

Hope you all enjoy.

So where to start?

So as with many people right now I have become a Pin Whore. I pin about this and about that. I love pinning things I have never seen before but inspire me to do great things around me house and in my life. I learn new tricks and techniques for everyday things I do. I do crafts and transform my world. I think Pinterest has made me just a better person overall.

I have always loved searching through Blogs and finding the knew and unfound. But to have a place to put it all together gave me great joy. After many crafts and changes around here I felt perhaps I could share the true joy of my Pinterest Obsession.