Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wine Barrel Projects

My husband and I always get a lot of compliments about the wine barrel pieces we have in our house. These pieces were at one time a whole wine barrel but with a little creativity they became our first conversation pieces we added when we first moved in to our house in the spring of 2009.

The first project was the wine barrel coffee table. He cut the wine barrel in half and added some extra screws to keep it sturdy. The piece of beveled glass we purchased at Pier 1 for $30.

Then the next prject was to take 1/2 of the remaining piece and create this shelf.

Then finally the bottom half was painted with Jameson whiskey to fit into our Irish Pub.

We needed some heavy hardware from Lowes to ge the hanging pieces on the wall but they have been up for nearly 3 years with no problems.

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